At Rivercrest Early Learning and Child Care, we recognize that children learn best through play. Our curriculum is emergent based and is guided by the children's interests. Activities and experiences are generated through staff's observations of this play with the goal of supporting and extending children's ideas and learning.

We are an all inclusive centre that believes each child brings a uniqueness that we can all grow from.
We have 53 child care spots (4 infant, 24 preschool and 25 school age). Our staff is a team of Early Childhood Educators, Child Care Assistants and Inclusion Facilitators.
Our centre has a full kitchen which allows us to provide home made snacks for the children and in the future, a hot lunch program.
Our play yard features a variety of materials including: slides, ramps, climbers, benches, sand, loose parts and much more for the children to engage in all aspects of outdoor play. With our centre being located near a park, the children will go on group walks and enjoy letting out their energy, playing there for a special activity.